Your stewardship
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” — 1 Peter 4:10
Friday March 18, 2022
“God’s gift to you is more talent and ability than you will ever use in one lifetime. Your gift to God is to develop and utilize as much of that talent and ability as you can, in this lifetime.” — Steve Bow
“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth.” — William Faulkner
Use the talents that God gave you and never take them for granted. Your talents can make a difference.
Be resilient.
Be resolved.
Always remain integral regardless of present circumstances and the truth will set you free.
When I was 12 years old, I swam the lake in Saskatchewan.
This lake has very high in sodium, magnesium and potassium salt content as it is a lake onto itself and provides swimmers with the ability to float without any effort.
You probably couldn’t drown if you wanted.
Be resilient like that lake.
Be buoyant, push upward, recover quickly and get back to the business of working towards your goal.
When there are issues that cause you to derail or immobilize you, stop, think and create other possibilities that are already there for you.
These obstacles will cause you to think on a deeper level and discover hidden solutions that would have never surfaced for you.
You owe it to yourself, your loved ones, your friends, your local community and the greater global arena of life. Your God given talents will aid you every time.
Don’t die with the music inside of you as you have too much music inside of you to accept and succumb to the status quo.
Express your greatness and give humanity your talents, expertise, compassion, love and everything that is inside that beautiful body that we call a human being.
It’s called a being because it is a living organism with life and vitality.
Go out there and claim what is rightfully yours and remember what I said.
You can do whatever you want in life intellectually, emotionally, spiritually physically and financially as long as you do not violate the rights of any other human being.
You do this by standing your ground for honesty, truth and compassion.
The truth will always prevail!
Your talents can change the world.
You’ve got this.
Carpe Momentum.” (Copyright Franco Cianflone 2020 Lockdown)
Jason Cianflone Texas — BRIGHTER DAYS ARE AHEAD FOR YOU (Publication c2019) Mission — Spreading the good news and spiritual knowledge to all of God’s Children!
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