People in your midst

4 min readFeb 21, 2022


“And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.“ — Romans 8:28

“People in your midst”


Monday February 21, 2022

“But even with the inspiration of others, it’s understandable that we sometimes think the world’s problems are so big that we can do little to help. On our own, we cannot end wars or wipe out injustice, but the cumulative impact of thousands of small acts of goodness can be bigger than we imagine.” — Queen Elizabeth II

“People in your midst”

“There are people in your midst that you don’t even know but are there for a reason. Many times along our journey, we will encounter many people that unknowingly understand that you are there for a specific reason.

You are there to help them and move on to the next level in their own personal journey.

“The mentally ill frighten and embarrass us. And So, we marginalize the people who most need our acceptance. What mental health needs Is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation.” — Glenn Close

The love that is internal and real is amplified on the outside by our action.

I remember a few years ago when a panhandler was flagging me down on a busy intersection. I rolled down my window and said, “McDonald’s is across the street. Meet me there in five minutes”. He said, “What for?” I replied, “I want to buy you breakfast”.

This fellow was probably in his late fifties and quite worn around the edges. The temperature outside was -45 Celsius, so he really appreciated the offer. Inside the restaurant, we chatted and he told me that he basically fell out of life. He said that he lost his job, divorced from his wife and turned to the streets for his survival.

What a story.

What he really needed was someone to talk to and share some humanity. That is all that most people want. They want to know that someone loves them.

I asked him what type of job he had in his previous life. I was surprised as he had great saleable skills. He was a carpenter by trade. I encouraged him to get back into his field and that he could do it if he really wanted.

How many people just want to be recognized as a valuable human being?

People love praise. Love is lifting people up. Love is action.

Love is sowing and reaping. The more you love, the more you will reap.

Sowing and reaping goes hand in hand with ask, believe and receive.

Everyone on the planet desires connection. They need to know that someone will listen, care, offer support and above all, love.

Carpe Momentum.” — (copyright 2020 Franco Cianflone Lockdown)


Jason Cianflone Texas — BRIGHTER DAYS ARE AHEAD FOR YOU (Publication c2019) Mission — Spreading the good news and spiritual knowledge to all of God’s Children!


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JASON CIANFLONE — Brighter days are ahead for you (Publication c2019) Mission — Spreading the good news and spiritual knowledge to all of God’s Children (TEXAS)