Invisible shield
“For You bless the righteous, O Lord; You cover him with favor as with a shield.” — Psalm 5:12
“God has made you invisible to the enemy.” — Joel Osteen
Wednesday November 23, 2022
With belief comes an invisible shield of protection around you and your loved ones.
There are many events in society today that we may not fully understand however God’s invisible shield of protection is always present but we must declare it daily.
A prayer that you may recite each day is the following.
“Thank you Father God for this invisible shield of protection around my entire family. (mention names) In a Spirit of gratitude and expectation, I thank you for all the spiritual armor that protect us 24/7 and 86, 400 seconds of each glorious day that you create.”
When you’re just about to drive your vehicle, this is the prayer that has worked for years.
“Thank you father God, for this invisible shield of protection around this vehicle, all occupants, and any engagements along the road.”
Linda Schubert sums up the latter succinctly.
“I put on God’s armor to resist the devil’s tactics. I stand my ground with truth, buckled around my waist and integrity for breast plate. I carry the shield of faith to put out the burning arrows of the evil one.”
Carpe Momentum. (Copyright 2019 Franco Cianflone Lockdown)
Jason Cianflone Texas — BRIGHTER DAYS ARE AHEAD FOR YOU (Publication c2019) Mission — Spreading the good news and spiritual knowledge to all of God’s Children!
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