Happy Thanksgiving
“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” — 2 Corinthians 9:6
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into Joy, and change ordinary opportunities in the blessings.” — William Arthur Ward
Thursday November 24, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving.
Today we give thanks for all our gifts throughout the year.
In a spirit of expectation and gratitude we give thanks to our God through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Gratitude opens the funnel of life and unleashes the creative process in each one of us.
Gifts of gratitude are all around us.
It is this God Power of Gratitude consciousness that allows us to receive even more blessings in our lives. At times, blessings do appear in the form of disappointments, failures or unfortunate events. They are in disguise.
Utilizing this inner eye of understanding creates the true blessings without the disguise as the inner eye of understanding supersedes our physical eyes.
Gratitude that is coupled with an inner eye of understanding creates wonders.
A more grateful attitude increases the flow of more blessings and the funnel becomes open and flowing with abundance and wealth.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Carpe Momentum. (Copyright 2019 Franco Cianflone Lockdown)
Jason Cianflone Texas — BRIGHTER DAYS ARE AHEAD FOR YOU (Publication c2019) Mission — Spreading the good news and spiritual knowledge to all of God’s Children!
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