God’s puzzle has all the pieces
“God’s will is like a jigsaw puzzle, you won’t be able to see the whole picture until all the pieces are together.” — Danny L. Deaubé
Thursday December 16, 2021
“We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works” — Ephesians 2:10
“These pieces are not always readily available and in a logical sequence.
Your purpose and destiny are unfolding perfectly according to the master plan.
Be patient.
That unique person inside of you will thank you for the rest of your life.
Do not employ rationalization any longer, as this is a tool intended to tell lies to your conscious mind.
This is also a great defense mechanism for anyone that is in a dead-end job, dead-end relationship, or dead-end purpose in life.
You always get what you tolerate.
Do not tolerate it any longer, as we are all a work in progress.
David was struck in a hunk of marble for 40 years prior to emerging as a 17 foot giant in 1504 under the very capable, creative hand of Michelangelo.
Say to yourself each morning as you begin your day, “I am so happy and grateful now that I am already incredibly calm, strong, steady, full of life and full of energy. I absolutely believe in myself. I feel good about myself. I am already incredibly calm, confident, competent, and capable. I rejoice that it is so.”
Your X factor (the enemy) is going to have an uphill battle trying to derail you from your greatness when it hears this affirming statement every single day.
If we want more, then we have to change something.
Change takes time.
Imagine having the task of assembling a one thousand piece puzzle. It takes time, effort, persistence, patience, and everything else that one can muster.
Most people will walk away and say, forget it.
However, there are those individuals that will not quit until the task is completed as they understand the God has all the pieces of the puzzle.
Is it that they are hard wired for success?
Maybe so.
They realize that completion of anything requires a no blame attitude and complete ownership over their thoughts, feelings and actions.
More importantly, steadfast, unswerving faith.” — (copyright 2007 Franco Cianflone Stop The Drama & Take Your Life Back)
Jason Cianflone Texas — BRIGHTER DAYS ARE AHEAD FOR YOU (Publication c2019) Mission — Spreading the good news and spiritual knowledge to all of God’s Children!
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