Always a way
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.“ — Isaiah 43:19
“Just because you’ve come to a dead end, it’s not time to give up. Find a different route and keep pressing forward.” — Joel Osteen
Wednesday 11, 2022
“I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be.” — Douglas Adams
“There is always a way with God even when you don’t see an opening or a solution.
Ever ask someone for directions when you are traveling in another city or town?
Where you want to go is usually a couple of blocks away or so. Invariably, the individual responds with, “I’ve never heard of that place or I don’t have a clue.”
Meanwhile, that individual has been living there for many, many years.
Get out of your comfort zone and you will always end up where you need to be as God always finds a way when he is involved.
The door is already there.
Some people live their lives in a nuclear mode. They are the central core of their existence. Anything outside of this core of existence is foreign to them. This probably might be more evident in large urban cities.
Some that have attempted to escape this nuclear existence have already packed up their suitcase and moved back to status quo lane.
You see it’s comfortable there. Nobody is going to ridicule you as everyone is on an even keel. There is more to life than the latter.
When you strive and work towards something huge in your life and step past your comfort zone, you feel alive and vibrant. However, make sure that God is involved in the process.
Every single cell of your body says thank you to you. As a result, doing this will ultimately get you where you need to be.
Carpe Momentum.” (Copyright 2019 Franco Cianflone Lockdown)
Jason Cianflone Texas — BRIGHTER DAYS ARE AHEAD FOR YOU (Publication c2019) Mission — Spreading the good news and spiritual knowledge to all of God’s Children!
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