A Triumphant plan

3 min readJun 8, 2022


“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”- 1 Corinthians 15:57

“A Triumphant plan”

“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” — Thomas Paine

“A Triumphant plan”


Wednesday June 8, 2022

“There is one grand lie that we are limited. The only limits we have are the limits we believe.” — Dr. Wayne Dyer

“Be willing to challenge yourself and push past self-imposed walls of insecurity, doubt etc.

Your victory is right in front of you so don’t allow limiting beliefs to derail your success.

Limiting beliefs suck the life out of life.

Limiting beliefs create a powerful negative force that manifest into paradigms that become manipulative, controlling and dictatorial.

Extract yourself from your current paradigm.

Extract yourself from that bondage that is holding you back from your greatness. You were created for greatness and not for lack and limitation.

Claim what is rightfully yours right now.

Step out of that skin.

Step out of that body and absolutely move forward and don’t allow anything or anyone to crush you or derail you from your greatness.

“A Triumphant plan”

You are great and you have incredible powerful energy within you. Begin to operate from the inside out and not from the outside in.

That devious, manipulative limiting belief is always waiting to crush you and bring you down.

It’s a psychological game that most people lose. Therefore, pulverize the words can’t and how until they are absolutely eradicated from your vocabulary.

Stand your ground on self-imposed or limiting beliefs imposed by anyone.

Our God through our Lord Jesus Christ has always had our backs towards victory with his triumphant plan for our journey.

Carpe Momentum.” — (Copyright 2019 Franco Cianflone Lockdown)


Jason Cianflone Texas — BRIGHTER DAYS ARE AHEAD FOR YOU (Publication c2019) Mission — Spreading the good news and spiritual knowledge to all of God’s Children!


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JASON CIANFLONE — Brighter days are ahead for you (Publication c2019) Mission — Spreading the good news and spiritual knowledge to all of God’s Children (TEXAS)